Science of Ifa Religion

Ifa religion has incredibly difficult concepts that are hard for the average person to understand. Many people just accept Ifa based on its face value. But that's the wrong way to approach an ancient religion derived from West Africa. Ifa is more of a science. It works with the Odu, a religious blueprint that guides us through life.

I mentioned before in previous articles that spirituality is about growth. Enlightenment is about awareness, understanding all of our possibilities, so we can make the right decisions. We also want to work to avoid the wrong decisions. We want to reach our goals, have great relationships and successful careers with the least amount of problems. However, in order to do this, we have to understand the mechanics of nature. When we examine the mechanics of nature, we are able to study the different parts, and understand how they function. When we know how things work, we are then able to alter it to our benefit.

I've often talked about energy systems. I've given the example of our metabolism being an energy system. We can't see it. We can't feel it. However, we know that it exists. Nutritionist had to study the human body and our metabolisms in order to create standards of measurements such as calories, fat grams, and carbohydrates. By doing this they were able to regulate the amount of energy going into the body Ifa religion and the amount of energy going out. By understanding the mechanics of energy, they were able to manipulate body mass and weight.

There are thousands, if not millions of energy systems. These systems are inside of our body, and in both the physical and subtle world. Ifa religion is a nature base religion. The rituals, initiations, parables, and songs give us the information we need to study the mechanics of the natural world. Understanding Ifa and the Odu is like holding the master key, for it allows us to unlock all of nature's doors. Rituals are very structural, for it allows priest to get consistent and accurate results. Much like a scientific experiment, they work with different variables to produce a certain behavior and outcomes. So in a nutshell, there really is no separation between science and spirituality. In fact, science is the study of spirituality. When we know how things work, and how to work with them. We can then turn the ideal into something real.

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